Q-omics   Smart software for cancer research and drug discovery CBiS

Q-omics 2 is updated, Sept 2024

What's new?


Standard edition is free to use

Effortless research with AI-powered consensus analysis of multimodal omics data

Explore features

Smart summary

dotFunction, Gene, Drug

dotBrowse associated data...

dotAd-hoc analysis

dotQuery-oriented analysis

Premium features

dotTumor-specific antigens...

dotSynthetic lethal gene pairs

dotPembrolizumab response...



dot  What are Smart DBs and Consensus data?


dot NetCrafter: A smart tool for functional network creation and inpterpretation, In preparation

dot Q-omics: Smart software for assisting oncology and cancer research, Mol Cells, 2021, 44(11):843-850

Q-omics tables and graphs